Spare parts
ABECE Original Parts
When you buy an ABECE Original Part™, you can be sure that it is not only made of the right material, but also stands the right tolerances and has exactly the right dimensions.
This means you are guaranteed that the spare parts you install into your machinery fits perfectly and do the best for your production. In every spare part we produce, we put in design time and years of experience to get the optimal part. You can be sure that it will keep producing the highest quality tiles, at optimal cost. Together with our wide network of certified partners all over the world, we can offer you ABECE Original Parts™ at competitive prices.

Customised tooling
Your customers will never compromise on quality. Neither should you. That is why ABECE provides customised tooling designed and produced to fit your plant.
Every wear part, such as slippers, rollers, knife blades and rounding knives, needs to be customised to meet your exact demands. To achieve the highest tile quality and appearance and to meet the lowest operational cost, every tooling is designed for your plant.
We work in close relation with the best raw material and tooling manufactures in the world and, as we are able to provide them with your specific requirements, we can supply the best tooling – for you.

Even racks, pallets and machinery. ABECE is here to help you plan ahead for upcoming replacement needs and prevent unwanted lengthy stoppages on your production line.
Every good thing eventually comes to an end.
Replacement parts
Stock holding agreement
The well appreciate ABECE stock holding agreement is a smart way to make sure that you always have access to important spares with short notice, without having to keep them in your own stock.
The parts are kept in stock at ABECE and dedicated for you only and can be sent as soon as they are needed.
• Secure fastest possible delivery time
• Stock will automatically be refilled
• No extra cost for the customer

Quality components
At ABECE we always use third-party components of the highest quality, such as motors, gearboxes, bearings, pneumatics and more.
A concrete roof tile plant consists of thousands of small and big components. To ensure that you get the exactly right third-party component to fit your plant, we keep track of every component installed and are quickly able to order just the right one for your plant.
As an OEM machine manufacturer with customers all over the world we buy big volumes and can make sure that the price is the most competitive.

At ABECE, we believe that good quality is a combination of things. Long experience, close partnerships with the leading component manufacturers in the world and the ability to know exactly what your plant needs to operate smoothly are just a few examples.